Welcome to our new capacitor series finder!
Please select between the order code search or the search by parameters to find capacitor series with the properties fitting your application:

By entering the Jianghai order code into the search by order code field, you will be taken directly to the data sheet download for your desired product.

With the second search function, search by parameters, after entering a few key data you will receive a list of the series from our portfolio that are suitable for your application.

Our sales team will be happy to provide you with an offer, including individual data sheets. 
A brief guide on how you can make the best use of our search by parameters:

To get started, we recommend following selection:

1. TECHNOLOGY (desired capacitor technology)
2. MECHANICAL PARAMETERS (preferred mechanical characteristics)
3. VOLTAGE (required voltage proof)

The selection of additional parameters limits the selection of hits further. Alternatively, there is also the possibility of a free search, i.e. the technology remains open and the series to be found only fulfill certain electrical or mechanical parameters.