Do you need help choosing the right capacitor for your application?
Then our SALES TEAM will be happy to help you:

Dipl.-Ing. Ole Bjørn
General Manager
+49 (0)2151-65 20 88 - 58
Key Account, Denmark, Czech Republic, Italy, Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Croatia

Dr. Arne Albertsen
Senior Sales Manager
+49 (0)2151-65 20 88 - 22
Key Account, Finland, Baltic States, Sweden, Norway, North of Germany

Alexander Schedlock

Technical Sales Manager
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 63
Middle of Germany, Benelux, Spain,
Portugal, Poland, Israel, Africa, France

Rainer Halcour

Technical Sales Manager
+49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 21
South of Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Raymund Szelestei
Raytronic Bt.
First Site Irodaház
Kossuth Lajos utca 7-9, V/505
H-1053 Budapest (Hungary)
T: +36 1 781 1098
Romania, Slovenia, Hungary

Delivery times, minimum quantities, delivery routes - our ORDERDESK TEAM will be happy to support you:

Kirsten Hoffmann
Customer Support
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 49

Yvonne Mülders

Customer Support
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 51

Sandra Siegert
Customer Support
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 72

Sarah Villnow

Customer Support
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 61

Catja Kauffmann

Customer Support/Marketing
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 68

WAREHOUSE: Your ordered goods start their journey from here!

Electronic Components GmbH
Heinrich-Horten-Str. 6
47906 Kempen, Germany

Benjamin Turnwald
Warehouse Manager
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 80

Iulian Gartan

Lionel Novac
T: +49 (0) 2151 65 20 88 - 80